Sinister: Keith: Is he or isn't he?

PJMiller pjmiller at
Sat Mar 7 13:52:16 GMT 1998

>Do we have to talk about band members sexuality. It's really none of our
>Especially when people are just blindly speculating. I wouldn't like people
>discussing this sort of thing about me without my permission.
>Why is it of so much interest anyway?

I don't know why it's of so much interest. I suppose people are just grubby
little pervies at heart. But sex and/or gaiety obviously plays a major role
in pop music, so perhaps that's why people are so interested. The Faber Book
of Pop is chock-a-block full of things about homosexuality and pop, from the
charming Little Richard to the equally delightful Brett from Suede, and none
of them are just idle gossip, quite the opposite in fact. I was surprised to
learn that only one of the Village People was gay. It just goes to show,
doesn't it? No, not really.

As far as the band members' sexuality is concerned, what surprises me is
that everyone focusses on the ins and outs of Sturgeon Musgrave's private
life, while no one seems interested in Isobel's AC/DC tendedncies. I am
referring, of course, to her penchant for performing in school uniform. I've
always enjoyed those AC/DC videos where members of the fanclub dress up as
Angus Young and clamber about over scaffolding as the band play on
regardless. Perhaps these picnics could turn into a video shoot of that
sort, with all the girls dressed in school uniform and all the boys dressed
in sensible sandals and smart trousers.


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