Sinister: peas

Sarah sarah at
Tue Mar 10 17:48:24 GMT 1998

ok you lot, just ignore what i said before about sending emails to :

intense_intensity at

'cos the nice people at Demon fixed my internet and i am a happy bunny. 


WOW! some really cool B&S things have happened to me.

1. manchester on sat, i gota 3....6....9 seconds of light poster! YAY!
its absloutely ace and me is a bit chuffed!

2. Today at college, i dropped in on chat.....and who was there.....
CHRIS GEDDES!!!!! wow!

my life is officially wierd. i'm glad cos it makes up for the SHIT day i
had yesterday. my friedn left and i was still in a good mood, and then,
er god knows what reason, i just crumpled and felt like hell for the
rest of the night and couldn't sleep....annoying biscuits.

but today, woke up, happy! even paid my mate a tenner i owed her (which
is completely unfair as to the reasons behind it, need i only say i was
fucked about?) and still smiled, went to meeja studies and STILL was
happy?!??!? lunch, i met CHRIS GEDDES ON IRC!!! wooohooo! (and then my
pooter crashed so sorry about that tim...) and then i did my spanish
homework which was great, 'cos i invented that  went to a disco in Spain
and saw the pet shop boys and |TOM JONES!

(by the way has anyone heard of la Buena Vida - this spanish band? as i
fucking know them from somewhere and on NME chat a bit ago i was talking
to someone else who knew of them, in fact said he WAS in the bad, but i
dunno, and its buging me about them now....can't think how i know them
but their name is written on my file of bands...will explain later.)

ANYWAY! and fter that went to English, yay, good lesson, then had
spanish, then typed up really fast email to a ceratin someone on this
list :o) and then came home to find my HOME EMAIL is again working!

ate toast and then typed this!

and soon my dad will come home and i will cry. pooh. we are c;ashing
even more at the moment (get a fucking job - piss off is my articlute
response, real world? me arse...)


live long and eat toast.
Sarah starryone!

my fave insult of the day has been.....

"YOU....are the bag out of bagpuss!"

                        *    FEATHER BOAS & NAPALM ZINE *
                        *       C'MON! PUNCH THE AIR!   *
                        *       One Pound and A5 SAE    *
                        *   9 Westfield Drive, Warton   *
                        *         Preston, Lancs        * 
                        *             PR4 1ED           *
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