Sinister: a custom fit in an off the rack world

Sarah sarah at
Tue Mar 17 16:58:08 GMT 1998

ExCUSE me?

who talked about anarchy and nihilism?


thats MY job!

and everybody just laughs at me for it, apart from the inspired few who
burn down the two faced demon of twatdom Meester Tony Blair. Come on!
have a go if yer think yer hard enough!!!!

Organised anarchy will never sucessed, in fact if you wwant to talk
about anarchy on a B&S list something is wrong. as some people may
gather i am all for DIRECT ACTION - but it needs to be applied where it
hurts THEM. organise another demo, throw eggs at Blair, get yourself in
the media, scream and never shut up. fight them wile you're still
idealistic enough to BELIEVE that in your feeble way you might achieve
something. the nihilism of centuries has resulted in war, slavery and
quite fucking us up actually, so how come humans in the civislised or
what is called cicilised age doing crying for it? because again it means
NOT THINKING. sure, nihilistically destroy things. one day you must
stop, and think about what you've achieved and you have acieved fuck
all. REBEl - never stop rebelling, there will always be someone worse of
them you and treat that injustice like the shit it is and try to erase

oh dear i am going off on one now!

Heres how intensely intense i am, i bought another copy of the Communist
manifesto today.....

(and the Lexicon of Love by ABC in oxfam for 50p)

even though i am imagined to look somewhat like baby spice. ok, so i
sometimes have m hair in pigtails, but i am not blonde and EVil, and as
for that pink fluffy coat, every time i look at that i have the urge to
vomit my guts out. imagine a brunette if thou wouldst. iagine me in a
nice velevt plum coloured ish jacket. at the mo' with crap stitiching on
the pockets which i am sure can be removed.

As for the montrose Ave comments, noe, i don't know them, but someone i
was talking to on Sunday reckoned they are the saviours of P!O!P! and
rule indeedy. they sounded nowt special to me, but then again, neither
did MSP or B&S on first listen.

and i am jealous! i wanna be in the dukes book!!! i wanna be in a book!
god, aren't i screaming, oh look at me, please, pay some
attention....shut it sarah! but in fact isn't every post to this list
just a confirmation of the fact that you are living - and so are others?
to prove humanity is not alone?

ah fuck it, please feel free to laugh at me.
Sarah starryone!

                        Look! it's frampton! He's coming aliiiiive!


                        *    FEATHER BOAS & NAPALM ZINE *
                        *       C'MON! PUNCH THE AIR!   *
                        *       One Pound and A5 SAE    *
                        *   9 Westfield Drive, Warton   *
                        *         Preston, Lancs        * 
                        *             PR4 1ED           *
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