Sinister: Hello Magazine says

Tag mctag at
Tue Mar 24 17:51:06 GMT 1998

Heavens to Betsy,

It's been a while.  All the babble of chat and books and Britpop, and
somehow it's all flown past me.  But you know (cheesy smile) - I've
kinda missed you guys.

In the week that Melody Maker did their side-splitting (the snakey
symbol rears its head) Stuart Murdoch buys Rangers spoof (please do a
little more homework next time) and I am forced to share a train
carriage with fans of the aforementioned team, complete with their
British National Party magazines, it may seem that the world is full
of lies and hatred, but it's not true, and in a bid to show the more
"fluffy kitten" side of the world, I present my new column (oo-err).

This week:

Keith "Save the Babies" Watson, Chris "Sylvian" Leonard, Amanda "you
see, I am a swan" Bergman and your hapless scribe finally saw the full
glory of Paul n' Linda's palatial residence - the Versailles of Auld
Reekie, as the locals call it.  Paul, with those Rochers you were
really spoiling us.  Oh yes, and is it really true that Keith was seen
buying a V-neck sweater?  Don't do it Keef.

Our spies have been out and about: Spotted:  Girl in Marks and
Spencers in Manchester City Centre using her Belle and Sebastian badge
to do up the top button of her regulation issue M&S blouse.  This
makes her an early front runner for this column's style and
sophistication award.  Last year's winner, Anna Schroder used her
badges as cufflinks.  Resourceful, and in immaculate taste -
congratulations, Anna.

Isn't technology wonderful?  Before I had email access, the
indescribably sexy world of yet another eligible young bachelor, Rod
(Rod by name, ROD by nature) Begbie, was just the stuff of a madman's
dreams.  As he himself says:

>He's like a Bill Gates without a Microsoft

Girls, how can you resist?  Incidentally, thanks for correcting my
anagram by the way, Rod, now I understand what made you too busy to go
on strike, you were taking time and trouble to rearrange the letters
of my name, in order to prove me wrong and demonstrate once again just
how clever you are.  I'm truly flattered by all your attention.

Finally, in the world of showbiz, Richard B&S was seen demonstrating
his percussion skills with tambourine-wielding hopefuls Camera Obscura
at an open-mike session in Glasgow.  Sadly, their performance followed
an impromptu set by a very old and heroically drunk harmonica player,
whose unique renditions of traditional tunes and special brand of
folk-dancing (including the 'lurching dangerously from side to side
and appearing on the verge of death') stole the show for many.

That's about it.  Next week, Stephen Trousers invites us into his
beautiful pied a terre, and says "Poetry saved me from cocaine hell".


Tag xx
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