FW: Sinister: Ramble & confusion.

Huw Jenkins Huw.Jenkins at xxx.uk
Wed Mar 25 15:55:47 GMT 1998

> Hi everyone
> Traffic chaos round Covent Garden right now, as there's some kind of
> student march going on. They've got huge drums and everything, like a
> south
> american football crowd. They seem to be protesting about tuition
> fees. I
> think there should be a minimum age of 25 for university entrance.
> That way
> you might actually know if you really want to go or not. If most
> people got
> jobs (or whatever) between the ages of 18 and 25, I bet they'd be a
> lot
> more sorted at the end of it. Oh dear, I have a feeling this isn't
> going to
> be a terribly popular point of view. Everyone I knew at university (in
> Newcastle) had no real desire to study - we were just wasting precious
> time. Fun, yeah, but a waste of time. Towards the end, I taught groups
> of
> first-year students English Lit, and none of them gave a monkey's
> about
> reading the books or thinking. We used to end up talking about
> Neighbours.
> Perhaps this is a reflection of my appalling teaching skills.
	I completly agree with you dave, I went college in Durham,
no-one really gave a shit there either.  It was just another chance to
avoid working life.  Of course there are many acceptions but I do think
that there is an awful lot of people who just wasting away tax payers
money and part of me agrees what Labour are doing.  However, I have come
out of college in so much debt that it seems I'm never going to be free
of it, it's like every penny I ever earn is never going to be mine.  So
maybe I don't completly agree with you after all.  Now I'm realy
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