Sinister: Getting back to basics... what's wrong and what's right.

Jonathan Wren jwg.wren at
Thu Mar 26 00:39:49 GMT 1998

duke of harringay wrote:

> not going out to northy cos i don't care about him, i care about YOU....
> > This list stinks
> >
> > all I have encountered from this list is hate.
> to love something you need to hate it's perceived opposite... if that's
> not evident to you then i don't really care.  Pop is about
> confrontation, about drawing (personal) lines and standing by them.  So
> those lines might change frequently, but that's not the point.  it's
> having them that counts.

Why exactly should pop be about confrontation? Why, because you love one
thing, should that mean that you must programme yourself to hate something
else? Isn't it that which makes people narrow-minded? Pop is about embracing
things which mean something to you. Not anyone else. But it doesn't make
people wrong. When you think you are always right then you're closing a lot
of doors.

> > Just ask members of the Catatonia list.  They think this list stinks
> > as well.
> i'm glad, because to me Catatonia are a load of irrelevent nonsense.
> they have bugger all to do with my Pop life, and that's fair enough.
> I'm glad that they think this list stinks because i think B&S are so
> massively removed from the Catatonic dirge of theirs...

Not a very good joke. Incidentally, I love Catatonia and am going to see
them at the Sheperds Bush Empire. So shoot me in the head... <BUZZER> you
have just failed your "faith" test and are listed for extermination.

> > Roll on Conservatives.  Probably needn't bother now looking at
> > Labour.  Still, people should realise that both traffic jams and
> > hierarchy are essential to a thriving economy.
> who gives a toss about labourconservative any more.  it doesn't take a
> seer to know that there's no left and right anymore, just subtle shifts
> in the murky middle ground.  to say roll on conservatives is pointless
> because when you stop and look around, what the fuck has changed?  what
> the fuck will change?  just more and more governmental controls designed
> to keep the nation under the rule of the few.  why bother hoping for the
> return of the tories?  it won't change a thing, not in the current
> guise... only if they go loony right wing will they be threateningly
> different.  i want to know why you are putting any hope in politics at
> all?  if you're so pissed off why are you not organising demonstrations,
> why are you not rioting and burning property?  apart from the obvious
> reasons i mean...
> this goes out to everyone actually... i mean, what's wrong and what's
> right.  What do you love, and what do you hate?  do you even know?  or
> are you content to go through the rest of your life in a cloud of
> consumptive manipulation?

You seem to be assuming that the majority of people on Sinister are stupid
automatons incapable of questioning the world around them. On the basis of
the intelligence of most postings, I'd have to disagree.

>  Surely one of the things that the rise of
> Belle & Sebastian have told us is that if you want to do things on your
> own terms, you CAN DO IT. if all B&S end up meaning is a bunch of
> records and people consuming the product, than it's a failure, at least
> in my eyes, and that's all that matters.  I don't really care what the
> band say about it.... it's in my/our hands now and it's what we do with
> the spirit that's what matters.

Fair enough. But are Belle and Sebastian really the prophets of a better,
utopian future? Much as I love it, a song about a girl painting lines isn't
going to bring the establishment to its knees.

> And where did the spirit go anyway?  Why don't you listen to B&S and
> want to SCREAM and go and create and draw lines that say THIS IS
> BEAUTIFUL and THAT IS HATEFUL.  i  know it makes me feel this way...

> but i'm just a dreamer, a poor righteous teacher.

And so am I. I wouldn't spend so much of my bloody time trying to write
stories about the poetic and the beautiful if I wasn't or going to train as
a teacher if I didn't feel I could affect peoples lives in some small way,
like I'm sure you do. Like you say, maybe that's being a dreamer. But when I
listen to B&S I only think of melancholy, happiness and tomorrow. I can't
believe anyone feels hate after listening to The State I Am In or Fox In The
Snow or You Made Me Forget My Dreams. I feel touched, but never hate.

> keep the faith, kids.
> the duke

God, I'm gonna be a trainee teacher in Exeter from October! What do they put
in the water down there?
Again, that was a joke and in no way meant as an attack upon the
bumpki..sorry, citizens of the South West of which I have a great affection
for and will be coming to live with along with all relevant farmyard
equipment and sheep. Thank you and good night.

All the best,


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