Sinister: i'll go and play with words and pictures...

Schaffenberger kschaffe at
Tue Mar 31 03:18:08 BST 1998

> I think i remember this programme (and i'm not old). But by far and away
> the best 80's kids TV programme was 'Dungeons & Dragons'. Yous must all
> remember that, it was dead good. I always wanted to be the red-headed girl,
> Sheila, cos she had a classy purple cape that made her disappear. I still
> want one of those. What fun I could have... Also good was the mono-horned
> skirt-wearing master of evil, Venger. He had a big black horse with wings.
> All the boys were rubbish, though.

  YES!! Sheila with the red pageboy and stunning cape.  Also, they had a 
small unicorn friend who had been a prisoner of the bad guys, but escaped 
and joined the good side.  Small unicorn had a really annoying cartoon 
voice and wide-set eyes that made it look retarded.  Juxtaposed with the 
bad guy's rippled black stallion, Uni (I think that's what it's name was) 
seemed especially lame.

  Today, a girl in my class had a bloody nose, and I told her to tilt her 
head back and pinch her nose.  She asked how I knew this, and I replied, 
quite truthfully, that I remembered it from the safety segment that came 
at the end of GI Joe episodes.  A character would close the show 
explaining the dangers of power lines and strangers and what have you.  
Anyone remember this?  This comes at an odd time, as my friend Mat (not 
to be confused with Matty) bought ninja shoes, and we have taken to 
calling him Stormshadow, after the ninja character on GI Joe.

  Do I ever feel like I am in a B&S song?  Yes.  The doors to the library 
at my school are made of very, very heavy wood.  For some reason, the 
suction of the air conditioning inside makes them very hard to push open, 
and, when i do, a gust of outside air greets me.  With an armload of 
books, slightly hunched and smiling (I am always happy when I am near the 
library.  It's a good place.), wind whipping my hair back off of my face, 
I feel like Judy, escaping into books and learning, penning things in 
notebooks, etc. etc.  

  Emily reminded me of another sad song, Ride It On by Mazzy Star.  I 
used to have a tremendous crush on a boy who went out of town for a 
summer, leaving us both with fantasies of a blossoming romance when he 
returned in the fall.  Needless to say, things didn't work out that way 
at all.  For a while, I heard, "You're leavin' like you said that you 
would" and thought about dreamy moonlit promises that never quite 
actualized.  For a while, it was quite painful.  A lot of Yo La Tengo 
songs make me feel a little melancholy sometimes, too.  Autumn Sweater, 
for example, brings to mind some anonymous couple wondering whether to 
break up, what the other is thinking, walking in stacks and heaps of fall 
leaves, her in a JCrew sweater, he in a cardigan, both awkwardly 
shuffling through the suburban streets.  Though this isn't even really 
what the song is supposed to be about, I'm sure, the images I've concoted 
to go with it make me sad.  

  Well, I've confessed more than enough.

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.             Listen, this is pish, I think I'll leave

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