Sinister: burfday banter
Lindsay Sworski
lsworski at
Thu May 7 10:55:47 BST 1998
nickie wrote:
> jan 8th i take it, two weeks to the day when his heavenliness 'pon high was
> born...
> pretty crap having christmas and birthday so close together cos there was
> always some scabby relative who would sieze the opportunity to give you one
> poxy present for both occasions and not the two gifts that you craved and
> so rightly deserved....i once got a single pair of socks - one leg for
> birthday, one for christmas - an explanation i was not impressed
> with...still, better than a bag of coal, i s'pose...
yeah, my birthday is january 7th, which is just awful because i always
get money as a gift and, with christmas and b-day so close, its like
gettting one paycheck a year. i could use a birthday right about now.
can you legally change it for economic reasons?
and never forget (*cough*) that as capricorns we share the same
starsign as
> mr. hunkytrousers himself, gary barlow....hmmm...that being the case fame
> and fortune will surely be mine not to mention a ready wit...and that
> cheeky grin
ah, astrology... my mother is a believer and has had full charts done
up on me since the day i was born. i think they make caprricorn out to
be the shittiest sign. im supposed to be money-hungry and meloncholy.
And hardworking!!! Hah!! its 10 in da mornin and i have a paper due in
an hour which i haven't started! i think perhaps a discussion of
astrology could follow... teams formed according to sign, to see which
one is the best/ perhaps a romance match-up service according to
compatible signs/ ...
> nickie
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