Sinister: Aeffle und das Pferdle
Rod Begbie
rod at
Mon May 18 19:34:46 BST 1998
On Mon, 18 May 1998, Alan Prior wrote:
> on the way into town on the bus, the driver pulled over on the way
> through the village, said "i'll just be a minute", got out, crossed the
> road and went into the pub. He then came back out and carried on with the
> journey. Hmmm.
Could this be related to Keith's train driver story? Was yesterday
"National Public Transport Drivers Get-Out-And-Shake-The-Snake Day"?
> Cos i have my Modern
> Studies exam on wednesday and i can't remember what time it starts...
Higher or CSYS? I managed to fail my Higher Modern Studies *so* badly,
they didn't even put it on my exam certificate! I only took it cause I
had a bit of a crush on the teacher. I spent the year practising my
"Doing The Crossword" skills. I'm a master at the Guardian
<cough>quick<ahem> Crossword now!
> Hahaha, only a day and a half to learn everything about british
> and american politics, income, wealth and poverty, the class system,
> politics of food aid... and other stuff that i've forgotten.
I did UK Political System, the NHS, Russia and Afro-American relations.
Of which I can remember almost, but not quite, precisely bugger-all cubed.
> so of course
> i'm typing e-mails instead. and going to see urusei yatsura tonight.
Rotter. Due to skintness and impending degree failure, I'm stuck in a
computing lab at Heriot-Watt attempting to write a module of code which
translates RTF to HTML (yeah, be impressed)
And the c*ntmongering BBC have fixed the hole in their RealAudio
censorship, so I canny hear Kenickie and the JAMC on The Evening Session.
Arse arse arse arse ARSE!
On Fri, 15 May 1998, Marylka wrote:
> And am I alone in thinking that B&S sounds like some bizarre sexual practise?
Anyone got the latest issue of SKY to hand? (BabySpice cover) Cause it
had an "A-Z of Sexual Practices" attached, and we could work out what B&S
really means!
On Sat, 16 May 1998, Colin Campbell wrote:
> ha ha rangers are shite.
I have nothing to add, I just thought this warranted repeating :)
Saw a great show on Saturday night - a ventriloquist called David
Strassman. The most offensive puppet show I've ever seen (I don't
remember Orville telling a knock-knock joke with the punchline "ah, fuck
yourself"), and it was technically incredible (the animatronic dinosaurs
which perform Bohemian Rhapsody were stunning), and well worth a fiver
(student discount for a box seat!) The guy's got a one-off TV show on ITV
Saturday night, but it'll probably be shite (what with it being on ITV and
Of course, I was in such a good mood on Saturday evening that I could have
sat through Kula Shaker with a big grin on my face!
Hearts for the double, next year!
Rod Begbie @ |
| What I wanted was women, wine and song.
| What I got was a drunk woman, singing.
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