Sinister: Gubbins

Barrett R ronbarrett at
Tue May 26 15:06:00 BST 1998

Someone mentioned Gorky's the other day, so I need no more excuse than that 
to tell everyone how absolutely wonderful they were the other night in 
Dublin.  Loads of new stuff so catchy I was singing along after 30 seconds, 
most of the best stuff off "Barafundle" and the great "Heart Of Kentucky" to 
finish off.  I don't know why Gorky's don't get mentioned more on the list, 
because to me they are one of the few bands  who manage to do something 
completely different to anyone else and yet remain catchy and accessible - 
just like B&S.  And the new single's great.
Space were really good in Dublin last weekend too, but I'm not sure that 
you're allowed like Space on this list.  Am I right?

Thanks to another listee, I finally got to hear what all the fuss about 
"loneliness Of The Middle Distance Runner" was about.  It's great stuff, as 
is the rest of that Scottish session, and I've been listening to nothing 
else for 3 days solid.  I think the reason the list hasn't been getting too 
excited about the new album yet is that there are still no definite dates 
for it yet, but if this stuff is anything to go by it'll be just as great as 
the other two.  Though "professional" is a bit of a worrying word to 
describe them.

Begging time:  are there any French listees out there who might be able to 
give me details of hostels,camp sites, places to go, record shops even,etc 
in Toulouse, Bordeaux and Paris as I'm heading over for a couple of World 
Cup games and I have done NOTHING about getting organised.  All help 
gratefully received.

Finally, welcome back to David & Katrina.  It wasn't the same without you. 
 Any word on when t-shirts might be available?

I've said too much already
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