Sinister: Welcome Home Mr Duke, Welcome Home

duke of harringay tangent at
Thu Nov 26 19:33:37 GMT 1998

Warrander John - FML wrote:
> Fucking Hell!!! He's real. Mr Duke is real. 

only as real as you want me to be... i can imagine being extraordinarily
unreal to some people. most of the kids in fact because i've been
bugging them this week, but it's my job so that's okay, isn't it?

> You're my hero Mr Duke. 

hey, don't take the piss... one of my friends once sent me a bit cut out
of a dictionary. it was the definition of the word 'Paranoid'. i used to
have it pinned on my wall but it fell down and i lost it. Or it might
have ended up in the Black Sabbath album sleeve.

> Will you introduce me to some
> of the nice girl pupils? 

chance would be a fine thing. they're all Kappa bedecked permed poodles
slugging cider down the back of the multi-storey. Belle & Sebastian fans
the lot of them...

> And I love you Mr Duke.
> You can have my list crush any day of the week.

i told you already about taking the piss... you better watch it or i'll
start on about the Lovin' Spoonful. And for those of you old enough to
remember and care about such things, the perpetrator of the crime has
since repented and feeds me beer as recompense. It's only fair, after
all. I think i told you all that already though. If so, sorry.

Evans suggested that you rent out his mates bedroom that overlooks my
house and get a pair of binoculars... i'd recommend otherwise. i rarely
venture out of the house, modern life being such a hectic drain on
energy and besides, people smell. I will be out in the Exeter
Waterstones on Dec 16th around 7pm though, so if you want to stalk me,
come along and introduce yourself. I'll probably read something amusing
about Belle & Sebastian. It's an in-joke at school you know. You know
that Wedding Present song 'veryone thinks he looks daft'? That was
written about me you know. No really, it was. I used to stand at Weddoes
(they used to call them that you know) and shout 'that's about me!' I
was reminded of this at the Shepherd Bush belle show because someone in
front of me was doing the same thing during 'Stars of Track and Field.' 

One of the above statements is false.

I wonder if his mate is the girl who lives behind our house, and whose
bedroom looks into my 'studio'? She dresses with the curtains wide open.
it's quite embarassing. i dunno how people do it... i always have to
hide behind my monitor.

I just listened to both Whistler EPs again and they are lovely, it's
true. Someone mentioned them on the Sha-La-La list, and it hought i'd
bring it up here. You'd all like them, i swear. Except Brad because they
don;t drink blood. Sorry Brad.

Who didn't believe that Struan really posted to the list? Shame on
you... he's a great big hunk of love and he adores every last one of you
with all his gooey heart. Except me obviously because i called his heart
gooey and sound like an NME journalist making bad jokes. Sorry.

I have been making lots of copies of the Black Sessions and you know
what? It still all sounds ravishingly beautiful. Which is it should be.

keep the faith my loves.

the duke

PS. No, seriuosly, who was rude? Or do i have to go and search Honey's
new archivey thing and type 'duke is a twat'?

'all of our dreams are dying of overdoses'
Tangents On-Line
PO Box 102, Exeter, EX2 4YL, UK
tangent at

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