Sinister: Por que te vas?
sarah at
Tue Oct 6 22:50:58 BST 1998
Hi my little Cleopatra fans!
how are you! I'm great 'cos I've just listened to a fab song on a FAB
film which makes me happy....the film is called CRIA CUERVOS (Raise
ravens) and it's fab, but heres the main reason for the post.... the
film has this song in it which Ana plays on her Dansette (or whatever)
and they dance around the living room to it, until their grandmother
calls them, and Ana goes to attend to her. And this song, I don't know
who it's by, but it's fab.
I think it may be called Por Que Te Vas (?), and my Spanish tutor has an
idea it's by Marie Trine (?) - but we're not sure. It's an old choon so
she says, but I think it's pretty bangin' cha? Does anyone know what
this song is, or where I could get hold of it? Hay alguien en Espana que
le sabe? Um, excuse my bad Spanish if that was wrong :) Porque me gusta
mucho encontrarlo porque soy un poco mierda..... It may be on the film
I am SURE there is much better Spanish Pop music about, if it's along
the same style as Por Que Te Vas it can't get much better.... when I was
ill in Tenerife, there were a load of strange dudes who did Kareoke
songs on Toma Nota. It was funny. the song was called Bimbo and it
Tag wrote some stuff about cheese, may I add that the very mature
cheddar you can get from our Spar is the best cheese in the world ever?
And also that while on da cheese tip (wow...i'm going to say that more
often...) that DAIRYLEA DUNKERS (especialyl with teh garlic chipsticks)
are gods own food....
Stop being such wankers you lot about READING THE ARCHIVES!!! You're
being more boring than everybody else who GOT THE HINT with the nine
millionth message from someone whose been on the list EVER SINCE
3...6....9.. 'cha and thus knows their biscuits.....every bloody post,
shut up....sorry....but it's a wee bit dull and mee...
ah well, I am SURE no-one has posted to the list about this particular
question of mine before so I am not going to waste 5 mins calling up my
crappy browser and another 2 mins rebooting the pooter when it crashes
and thentrying again, grrr d'oh!
Fluffy Candarel
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