Sinister: If you go to Sussex, be sure to wear cheese

Mark Casarotto Mark at
Fri Oct 9 12:45:28 BST 1998

As it's a quiet day for the list, I think I'll add my halfpennyworth
(did anyone else think that there was a bizarre creature called an
"apeth" when they were little? I got called a daft apeth more times than
I care to remember. And I always got told off for using "that toner
voice". It took many years and one extremely embarrassing incident
before I realised that toner was not in this case an adjective).

Is Archel really from Sussex (how weird. I just honestly wrote "success"
instead. What can it mean)? There's something about her that screams San
Francisco. Which brings me onto my next question. My mate in SF sent me
a tape which had a song by some geezer called Alan Wiley (I think) on
it, and I could swear I've seen that name mentioned on the list before.
Can anyone tell me what he's all about?

What regular invitation to listees to pop along to *popstarz*
in Holborn this evening if they get the chance - you'll get to see the
none-more-glam Lady Penelope strutting his stuff, and if we can buy
StayLuckyRory enough beers there's always the chance of seeing the
nineties Peter Bonetti doing the groovy turkey on the dancefloor. And
you don't want to miss that, believe me.

Have we had the official line on live bootlegs from ver management yet?
Unsurprisingly, I'd love to get some tasty cuts from various of the
recent shows, but this is presumably even more illegal than the ongoing
Tigermilk furore. Though I can't quite see a B&S live spectacular
gracing the shelves in HMV (spit, apparently) for some time...

God, I'm boring these days. Sorry to waste your time...

LittleBlondOne xxx

p.s. Cheese - Taleggio is just great, and they sell it in sainsbury's -
but it has to be Parmesan, really, and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.
The best present in the world (apart from Molly's, of course) would be
to have one of those whole Parmesan wheels all to myself, mmm.....
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