Sinister: Answers and questions

S.K. Gardiner skg21 at
Thu Oct 29 14:49:36 GMT 1998

Whoever was asking about the West 54th session - and anyone else who
doesn't know:
B&S recorded a session for the TV when they were in New York this time
last year. Unfortunately they didn't think it was very good (Stuart M
even stopped halfway through Mayfly and borrowed a copy of the album from 
someone in the audience because he forgot the words), and the program's
editors agreed, so it has never been (and will never be) broadcast. So
you'll have to make do with getting hold of an audio tape of it (I would
offer to do people copies but I'm snowed under with tapes already at the

The great Elvis debate of 1997 took place before the Sinister list took
over from the old list, so it's not in the archives. The conclusion was
that although Stuart still claims that he wrote it about a cat, we all
know that Elvis is in fact a sprig of broccoli.

While I'm at it, because I'm sure someone will ask before long, Seymour
Stein is a record label boss from America (who was present at the West
54th session, when they played the song), String Bean Jean is about the
girl who appears on the cover of one of the releases (can't remember which
one off hand), and Judy is a paraplegic Swiss man on a donkey.

Well if anyone's still awake after a rare bout of relevancy in one of my 
postings, I've got a question for you lot. Has anyone spent any time in
either Ghana or Southern Chile? Because I'm going to one of them next
summer for 10 weeks, and I can't decide which to go to.

Big Stu

(Who's suprised noone has linked the smutty talk of late with the thread
that was going last week about types of cheese...)

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