Sinister: i went walking..
Emma Short
bug at
Wed Sep 2 14:53:00 BST 1998
h'loo all,
well, i'm extremely jealous of everyone, seeing as everyone in the entire
world except me seems to be going to see the wonderfull belle & sebastian.
and i've never seen them live once, even though i love them dearly and would
do anything to hear them play their beautifull music in person. but *sigh*
it seems it is not to be.
i'm stuck at home answering the business line phone for my mum. just spoke
to a guy with the most gorgeous scottish accent in the world. had to sound
professional and take his adress while my stomach did somersaults and i
nearly swooned my way off the chair.
does anyone have any idea if there is *any* chance that belle & sebastian
would play anywhere near oxford again (pleeease not the zodiac, pleeeease -
they do have under eighteen fans, you know..or they could get the zodiac to
make it an all-ages's just so unfair that those of us who are
sixteen, seventeen..whatever, get barred from hearing the music we love just
kos people want to get pissed at gigs)?
oh, and thankyou katrina for giving me jon jordan's number - i am now
hugging a promo copy of the snow patrol album..*grin*
ok i'm going now BYE
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