Sinister: TIME OUT review
susannah at
Thu Sep 3 21:47:10 BST 1998
I've never done an informative sensible post before so here goes:
Time Out Sept 2-9 issue;-
'We'll call it a transitional album, if only for the fact that Stuart Murdoch
doesn't hog all the songwriting credits. This, of course, can only be a good
thing. The more different members compete to create something worthy of an
already formidable brand name, the better the music gets.
For evidence, look no further than 'Is it Wicked Not To Care?' which rubs
shoulders with the best of B&S's canon. It was written by the violinist (sic)
Isobel- presumably for inclusion between The Velvet Underground's ' I'll Be
Your Mirror' and 'The Happiest Girl In The World' by fellow Glaswegians Biff
Bang Pow! on a C90 labelled 'vulnerable'.
Stevie the guitarist has chipped in with a couple too: a plaintive ode to New
York fanzine 'Chickfactor'; and 'Seymour Stein', seemingly about blowing out
dinner with a US record company mogul. Really though, its a song about
perspective, plain and simple, whose expansive melancholia barely prepares you
for Stuart David's ensuing contibution. Replace Jim Morrison with a Scottish boy
and Augustus Pablo on melodica and lo! - The Doors' LA Woman' turns into 'A
Space Boy Dream'!
And among all this - perhaps because of the new colours surrounding it - Stuart
Murdoch's music glows ever brighter: the beat-boogie of the title track; and
'Simple Things', whose concise elegance tips the pendulum more towards
quintessential than typical. So many ace songwriters. Just one band. Shouldn't
someone call the Monopolies and Mergers Commision?
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