Sinister: Woolies' chart position

Michael Michael.Barrett at
Wed Sep 16 19:06:14 BST 1998

>my own mail was a bit confusing as well, but i would like to make one
>more small point:  while the individuals working in giant corporate
>entities may very well be misguided rather than evil, i feel safe in
>saying that virtually all corporations are evil entities.  once a
>company gets fairly sizeable, it begins to act pretty darned darth
>vaderish, aggressively destroying smaller companies, using their vast
>amounts of money to invest in similar darth vaderish companies, shipping
>out work to countries where you are allowed to pay employees absurdly
>low wages and often literally work them to death...

I feel I should point out that not all giant corporate entities are evil,
darth vaderish entities.  Some invent quite cool and useful things, such as
the Walkman, the CD, MD, and even though the have record labels, are so
un-evil that they only sign middle-of-the-road dirge, like Celine Dion and
Jamiriquai...ah...I'm kinda defeating my own argument here.

Michael, Sticking up for the MAN 'cause he's met him and he was quite nice

Oh, and I think the notion of Stuart and co. coming to London and 'torching
a few huts and stealing a goose' sounded bizarrely plausible
Michael Barrett,
Broadcast R & D,
Advanced Technology Division,
SONY  Broadcast & Professional,
Basingstoke,  Hampshire,  RG22 4SB,  England.
E-mail: Michael.Barrett at
Tel: +44 (0)1256 483501,  Fax: +44 (0)1256 810950
    "On a 9 to 5 lemon, looking for the lime"

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