Sinister: Newbie from New York

MileEndGrl at MileEndGrl at
Mon Sep 21 18:35:23 BST 1998

Hello List!
I like to make myself known on lists as early as possible. 
Now I just recently discovered this band. All I heard were such amazing
reviews. What took me so long to get these CDs was lack of money since the
cheapest I could find it around me was $21.99 for Sinister and $400 for
Tigermilk (which is to be expected).  Oh how I hate Long Island's music taste.
Anyhoo, I am not sure which CD I like better, both are amazing in there own
special way.
So is anyone seeing them in New York on November 1st? I kind of have a dilemma
with that show. I bought my ticket, but the show sold out before my friend
could get her ticket, so I am going solo right now. If anyone would like to
meet up before hand that would be lovely! Perhaps there is a something being
planned already.
Those picnics sound like a smash! If another one goes on the NYC area, please
let me know! I love get togethers and I can make a mean key lime pie.
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