Sinister: The horror

Keith Watson k.watson at
Fri Apr 2 10:00:25 BST 1999

>I'm off to Glasgow tomorrow to see Anne and Chris and Julia and Keef,
>we're going to Spy if anyone's interested in coming.  Shyness and
>xylophones are strictly forbidden.

Yes indeed, anyone who's about should come along...

Just to confirm, when Tag says we're "Going to spy" he doesn't mean we're 
all going to hang outside of Ca Va trying to find out what Belle and 
Sebastian's next move is, what he means is that we're going to "Spy" which 
is a poncy looking bar on Bath Street - to drink beer.

Oh and girls - if you're coming, I know it's taboo, but be sure to remember 
to bring your sanitary products.

If anyone's confused, if you do come along, I look like my picture on this 
page (keithpissed) when pissed up.

Tag - mail me and let me know what time you are turning up!


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