Sinister: just a quickie...

david kitchen - jeepster shop at
Sat Apr 10 12:17:36 BST 1999

very busy at the mo', trying to organise bowlie things and generally sort out the
new office now we've moved in (it's a mess, boxes everywhere). but because of the
workload and the backlog of other bits that i have to do, well, i'm unsubbing from
all the lists so that i can free up a small bit of my time.

hopefully i'll sub again about a week or so after the bowlie, but in the meantime,
if anyone has any questions or anything that need answering, mail them to me at
mailto:david at as i won't see them if they're on the list.



PS: we'll see you a lot of you at the bowlie, we'll be in our usual place, the
merchandise stand, oh, and we'll have a bowlie t-shirt (all profits to charity)
and some new badges!

                  david kitchen : jeepster recordings ltd   mailto:shop at
              NEW ADDRESS: PO BOX 14153, LONDON SW11 4XU, UK

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