Sinister: Im feeling Sinister....
Graeme Hacking
Fri Aug 6 00:34:10 BST 1999
...but i dont thinnk thats particularly important
On the everending topic of love, i have a few brief words to say!
Love is amazing........basically
I DONT want to understand it before i die
I was in love last year, with a girl at my school. She sat next to me in
German and on my table in Graphics. I saw her a lot and whenever i did, i
couldn't manage to say anything interesting to her. This was frustrating for
me as she had absolutely no idea what was going on in my head. Because of
my unfathomable lack of communcation (all or my conversations were about
Soul and R+B which i quickly became an expert in) she would probably never
have found out.
But as it was, i kinda slipped up when talking to a friend and the word of
my love for her spreaded like a bush-fire (never seen one of those but it
sounds pretty fast). It carried around school for about a week and nearly
ended up in me hitting some fool (had i been a less fiery red-head).
Well, to cut a long story shorter, i found out that she didnt feel the same
way - "She like you, chris, but not in that way" - i was informed.
There-ended a close friendship that i thought mighta resulted in my first
true love. Since then (about 18 months ago) i havent really had a real
conversation with the poor girl and am gradually growing to forget about
those days.
I dont know how this relates to the topic of a "perfect partner" but i do
know that when i was in love, i thought about this girl at least EVERY
Maybe you can judge YOUR love of someone by *how often you find yourself
thinking about them*!
Just a thought
Im only young and this may be way off the mark and a load of pish to all you
experienced lovers out there!(?)
I just wanted to say that y'all should get ICQ ( - probably). I
was only allowed to start writing rubbish to y'all yesters and ive already
added 3 new peeps to my address book. The feeling of (automatically) fitting
in with something (rather,anything) is gr8! grrrrrr
Just wondering how much alcohol you peeps drunk when you were 17(?) I ask
because i seem to be drinking far tooooooo much every night and it cant be
doing me much good! For example, since starting this email, my bladder has
caught up with me and ive been to the toilet twice! Sorry for having to
tell you that!
Y'know, there was an MP (Member of Parliament for those who arent in
sweltering england (sweltering=bloody boiling btw)) who died a few years
The cause of death was "Auto-erotic_asphixiation" (sorry bout the spelling)
which made me think! I found out the other day that this meant that he
suffocated whiles wanking! The idea is that you have a plastic bag over
your head whilst you perform the dirty deed and that a hormone is released,
it apparently heightens the "pleasure".
Dont know why i just told y'all that but i thought you might like to learn
something interesting today! Please forgive me(?)
Thats my lot for this hour!
MY NAME IS NOT GRAEME as this email might be trying to tell you
It is Chris_t_opher mailto:christ_t_opher at
ICQ # 44383377
"Why live in the world when you can live in your head?" - Jarvis Cocker
(everyone should own Pulp INTRO!!! damnit!)
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