Sinister: If there's meat pies on her nipples it must be England
Pete Ramsdale
peter.ramsdale at
Mon Aug 9 12:33:58 BST 1999
FourJacksAndAJill wrote:
> This is all very well and good but it only begs the question (well in my
> mind anyhoo) "What do you call the little things UK go-go dancers wear
> over their nipples?" I'm not about to go look at any UK stripping sites
> to find out either, what fun would that be.
Erm, dunno, really. Tassles? Elastoplast? Could be anything.....
> So I'm to understand the go-go dancers in Wigan are of low quality over
> there? Perhaps some Wigan dancers on the list would like to defend
> themselves...? (I'm not holding my breath)
Most of them have beards, underarm hair and whippets. And that's
whippets as in the dogs that are closely related to greyhounds rather
than the term for the five-second high you get if you snort the gas
from a whipped-cream can. Actually I can't remember any places in
Wigan that would have go-go dancers. They possibly had some at the
Wigan Casino, but that got burnt down when I was still a nipper.
> Now, bring on the
> Proclaimers reunion to accompany the apocalypse...
God in heaven help us. I don't even think that the combined musical
talents of B&S could save such a dirge as "A Letter From America". As
for their version of "King of The Road", well, I don't think I'm going
to comment, as it's apparently very hard to type after you've thrown
up on your keyboard. Ho-hum.
Bit of B&S content for a change - you will all no doubt be glad to
know that more than one person in the office has threatened to hang,
draw and quarter me this morning if i even contemplate whistling "This
Is Just A Modern Rock Song" again. I've tried to persuade them that it
really isn't my fault, and that anyway, it's bloody good so there, but
they're having none of it. I tell you, it's like the pogroms or
something in here. I'm getting victimized for my musical beliefs. Or
maybe it's just for the fact that I blatantly can't whistle. Anyhow, I
recieved the aforementioned eepee on wednesday with my medium "Study
at Stow" teeshirt (it really should have been a large, I think - I now
know how a can of baked beans feels - and is it just me, or does
anyone else think that light blue is not the best colour in the world
when you get sweat patches??) along with Dog on Wheels, and TIJAMRS
hasn't really been out of my cd player ever since. Rapidly becoming my
fave track. Now how does it go again......pffffft, pffffft, pffffft,
I wonder if they have email in casualty??
lol p xx.
"Edgar Malroy said, 'A supermarket trolley that believes in God,'
and then burst out laughing.
He laughed like this:
Ahhhh-ooo Ahhhh-ooo.
I told him I wasn't the only one."
Bo Fowler - "Scepticism Inc."
Pete Ramsdale - Unix Systems Administration, Warburg Dillon Read
Phone: 0171 568 3836
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