Sinister: The poetry parrot returns

Graham MacArthur macarthur at
Thu Aug 12 17:54:26 BST 1999

The Poetry parrot was last seen flying my direction. I have chosen
something by someone who used to be sexy, but is now dead. Surely a warning
for the liststuds. 


Percy Pisshead
wets the bed
shits his pants
and craves romance
Percy Pisshead
can't see further
than the end of his nose
and vomits on his clothes
Percy Pisshead
can't remember anything
he did or said
the night before
or the night before
or the night before

David Robilliard

The poetry parrot was last seen flying in the direction of David Moore. Who
isn't at all like John Peel, no no no.

Oh yes, and Steve c said..

> Does there exist a list of dates that we all gained our voices upon or 
> something along those lines, so's we could have a quasi "Sinister B-day"
> something.  Think of the wit and smut spread 'round on "Nick Dastoor Day"
> the sheer Bacchanlian street party that will be "Paula Cullen Booze
> Day"?  How the young lads would look forward to "Erica MacArthur's" 
> aniversary..

It's my seventeenth birthday in a month or so, will that do? I expect lots
of presents. Ma and Pa asked me if I wanted driving lessons yesterday. I
told them I wanted a tigerprint scarf and a lifetime subscription to
Playgirl. They didn't laugh.

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