Sinister: Maul Meanies

Sleeka Sounds sleeka_sounds at
Mon Aug 16 10:35:50 BST 1999


I had another fucking great star wars dream last night.  First I was 
fighting Darth Maul, and I was getting tanned, so I poured some water over 
him and put out his lightsaber.  Then the Emperor got me and he took me to a 
cafe and told me "I'm gonna kill you".  But the Red Arrows flight display 
team knew of his whereabouts so they drew a Star of David in the sky.  The 
Emperor hated this and shouted "close those fucking curtains".  Spotting his 
weakness I attempted to draw the Star of David on his hand, using a bic pen. 
  Unfortunately, I forgot how to draw one.  "What are you doing?", he said.  
"Nothing".  But then I had a flash of inspiration - holy water.  Sith Lords 
fucking hate holy water.  But alas, there was no water about, only the 
Emperor's cup of tea.  So I secretly prayed to Jesus to bless the cup of tea 
- and do you know what?  It worked!!!  The Emperor drank the holy cup of tea 
and melted like a bitch.  Yes!

Oh yeah, Amphetamenies are playing somewhere in Edinburgh on Friday, and 
King Tuts in Glasgow on Saturday.  If you haven't heard them, they're really 
good.  Ska ska ska Skinheads like them, but they're usually to busy skanking 
down the front to steal your carry out.  I think Newtown Grunts are 
supporting, who are good fun too.  If you go to Amphetamenies you get to 
look at Jane the girl singer, who is dreamy, and Mick Cooke (who *will* show 
you his arse for a pound).  GET YER BAWS OOT!!!  That's what my old driving 
instructor used to say.

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