Sinister: Birthday Treat

Alder, Lucy lucy.alder at
Fri Aug 27 17:47:08 BST 1999

Well, isn't it grand, a birthday and I get my voice on the same day!  It's
all a bit strange though, a bit like taking your first dive - you know once
you've done it you'll do it over and over again and enjoy it very much, but
the first time's still a bit nerve-wracking.  Don't want to make a fool of
myself.  Like, do I put Sinister: in the title?  Or is that done for me?  

18 months ago, Storm FM, Manchester - DJed once a week 2am to 7am, real
graveyard-zone stuff, but it means you can play what you want and GMAFHID
was on regular rotation.  Grew from there.

Personally, I prefer black.  At school, we used to say that wearing red
socks was a sign of sexual frustration.  I've been put off bright colours
ever since.  Don't want to give the wrong impression or anything.  Knee
highs are also good, especially now that our two-month summer allocation has
been all used up.  I find the longer they are, the less chance there is of
chills (when you're sitting down) in the gappy bit before your trousers

Finally, can I say how much your emails cheer me up (and more often than not
make me giggle) during the long, dull daily grind?  Thank you.

Juicy Lucy

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