Sinister: The Wall

David Moore Daf_Moore at
Mon Feb 8 23:27:57 GMT 1999

Hi Pop-pickers,

Funkyseb wrote:

        Anyway, that Nick Drake doc.........Mind you, I didn't know that
the wall from
        that photo shoot was in Battersea, (mah manah.) I shall be spending
my time
        off searching the streets of SW11, kids, and I'll report back when
I find it.
        Maybe even with some photos. 

I wouldn't bother if I were you, cos according to the biography the wall
belonged to a factory called Morgan Crucible in Battersea, and neither the
factory nor the wall are still there. Come to that I wouldn't bother with
Gay Dad either, as I don't think they have much to do with being young.
However, they maybe do have to do with being as good-looking as Sweet.

B&S? - I phoned, I surfed, I voted. 

I haven't seen our Stuart with red hair, but I do keep imagining him
singing Lucinda Williams songs. Does anyone know of a cure for this?


David Moore
Chelmsford, UK 
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