Sinister: Saddest Song

Robert Morris winboog at
Fri Feb 12 05:10:42 GMT 1999

>anyway, perhaps someone already mentioned this, but i was reading
>Rolling Stone today (which is absolute crap, and even though i
>haven't renewed my subscription, they keep sending it...), and there
>was this interview with Pavement, about their new recording, and they
>said they produced "pretty much hard rock, with a couple wussy songs.
>That way we can still reel in Belle and Sebastian fans."  this sort
>of makes me... well, unsettled... i haven't listened to a whole lot
>of pavement, but i've pretty much liked what i heard, but this
>comment irks me quite a bit.  like, "hey we can tap into a fan-base
>of senstive indie rockers if we tack on a few sappy songs" or
>something.  i detect sarcasm, but why joke about these things?

   If this concerns you, i recommend that you stay clear of all Pavement
interviews. They are notorious mischief makers with the press.  A website
exists that just keeps track of all the lies they have told. The Belle and
Sebastian comment seems pretty inocuous compared to some of the other things
they have claimed.

                     Robert Morris
                     winboog at
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