Sinister: Camp me to the moon!

oon ooon at
Sat Feb 13 08:40:16 GMT 1999

'Ola Chica!

after i read about the holiday camp, for first five
minutes i was jumping around with jealousy.
then i think really hard.  then next five minutes
decision was made.  that i must at least try!
even if the DEBT demon is looming over my head
in a frighteningly close position.   it's not just the
bands, it's the whole idea of going to the holiday
camp and see music and do camping activities
(ok i realize you'll be too drunk to do them
but it's the thought that counts, yes) that is so
irresistable.  and to see all you loveliest friends
again!  whether you will be pleased to see me
again so soon might be another matter.  however,
Mr.Miller i fully expect to see you this time, yes?

the last mountain to climb is the visa thing.
that's another frightening demon.  sigh.

i'm still reeling at my blindly boldly madeup of mind
that hands still shaking a little make it hard to type.
i'll go and compose myself as well as getting
prepare for playing music tonight.  at the BEAUTIFUL
About Cafe/Gallery/etc.  i don't think i'll do any
good seeing that heart is still wiggling and beaming
with dreams of the camp, all very assuming
positively for now.  i don't think i'm doing a shameful
plug, no?  because no one here will come anyway :)

good lucks to me!
oon xxx

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