Sinister: oh fuck

Alix Campbell alix.campbell at
Fri Jan 1 20:07:12 GMT 1999

HAPPY NEW YEAR, pooheads

this is actually a thinly veiled appeal to anyone who may have seen me last
night, could they get in touch please? i need some light shed, because i've
got no idea what i was doing, and this is scaring me greatly. all i remember
is lots of vodka at a friends house - then it's very hazy - then i'm
staggering down a road in town, i think in an attempt to walk the 5 miles
home - then i recall being in a shrubbery, trying to go asleep under a bush,
sick and earth on my coat suggests that i was present when someone vommed
and i suspect that the person was me - then a
japanese lady is talking to me about her divorced husband - then an english
woman, asking me if i've
taken any drugs - then i'm in a car - then i'm at home. i don't know how any
of this happened, or how much i imagined. i've talked to a friend who was
there, who says i left the pub and went home. but i didn't know i was in a
pub. help me, this is the worst new years i've had yet. apparently i did the
riverdance too.
so if anyone can suggest what i might have been doing, i
know you can't *actually * know, but maybe some suggestions....?

b&s monopoly, or 'belleopoly' to give it it's proper name, this, naturally
is a superb idea, and we are going to make it a lovely reality. i only have
one new years resolution (aside from the obvious - 'i'm never going to drink
again' resolution), and this is to make this. i'm not sure how one makes
board games though. i did make a card game once for toddlers, for a gcse
project, so i expect that'll be handy. i think there is a even a chance for
things to be laminated, and i do so love laminated things.

i feel rough, goodnight

"No, Patrick," Luis says. "They were . . . broiled"
It's silent in the boardroom as I comtemplate this, thinking it through
before asking, finally,
"What's 'broiled,' Luis?"
"I'm not sure," he says. "I think it involves . . . a pan"

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