Sinister: breathe the air and walk around
Chris Butler
pants at
Tue Jan 5 18:34:45 GMT 1999
did anyone else get a sponge bath for X-mas?
or "Infinite Jest" by DF Wallace?
I thought I'd send a short message as a counter
to all the long ones people usually send.
senor droolcup
At 07:28 PM 1/5/99 +0300, Megan wrote:
>yesterday, in a fit of pique and having a large number of emails to write, i
>did not send a message to you lot. were you lost and alone in the cold
>cruel world? i choose to believe so. mr. miller, i saw pride and prejudice
>(5 hour miniseries thank you, and i loved every minute of it so ha!) and a
>david mamet movie, so my speech has become something of a clipped stagey
>talk with lots of proper terms used. and how is mrs miller? and the young
>millers? the goats? that's good.
>i'm not sure where that was going, so i just left it at that before i get
>myself into some real trouble. anyway, today was a beautiful day. it was
>all pretty snowy and the sky was white and the ground was white and the
>trees had a dark skeletal structure that seemed to be the only thing
>breaking the monotony. it looked pretty, even though my little description
>there seems a bit ambiguous. sigh.
>when in doubt, talk shit about other list people. so now we all want to
>know what exactly chris leonard said to paul. however, it's quite possible
>he'll never be able to tell us assuming is was so naughty that honey sent
>him a sneaky little virus in the disguise of a sinister digest that's a
>picture of a happy bee buzzing around a honey pot that repeatedly says "talk
>bollocks to me will ya? why i oughta..." i need things to amuse me.
>earlier today i was playing some really neat video games, the arcade culture
>is alive and well in moscow. you know, i bet there is someone else on this
>list in moscow who is keeping silent about it in order to remain safe from
>me. well YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER. you'll never know where i am, right
>around the corner, next to you in a bread line, speeding by on the metro.
>i'm everywhere, elusive and invulnerable. and delirious. time for me to
>speed off on my super secret racing machine (the like of which is
>incomprehensible to mere mortals).
>"the like of which is incomprehensible to mere mortals."
> - jane austen,
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