Sinister: new york picnic final stuff
**Megan Lehar**
mkl206 at
Thu Jul 8 23:04:12 BST 1999
as this saturday is quickly approaching, i thought you lot might like to
know some stuff about the picnic. once again, it's this saturday, july
10th, at one pm. i figure that may be easier for you partiers, aka people
who aren't flat broke. so, um, yes. you can get there via the a train or
the one. if you take the c, e, or 9 you'll end up in the bronx. which
isn't so bad, but there won't be any picnic there. get off at the dyckman
street exit. from the a, walk south down broadway, past the big playground
and down a block or so till you get to the corner of broadway and dongan
street. enter the park there, and you'll notice big green grassy areas.
we'll be around there, with a tbwtas flat. if you take the one, walk west
along dyckman until you hit broadway, and then just follow the previous
ok, that's all i can think of. bring blankets, food, and air conditionning
if it's hot. ;) see you saturday!
mkl206 at
who are magnetic fields?
updated 4/26/99
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