Sinister: Search:Steve Malkmus;you're a star

Arantxa Sanz pcxas at
Tue Jul 13 16:21:17 BST 1999

Oh! How could I miss those 120mins or better said, only the maybe three
minutes,or maybe just seconds of that vision of the epythome of cool
boyishness and good looks called Steve Malkmus.My man.I once had to
classify in order who I fancied most if Steve , Alex or Jeremy (family
names not required when you are one of them), and after a long and ardous
deliberation my brain cells agreed he was the number one.

But he was not wearing that baby blue outfit,we have been told.It was
someone else.I am not interested any longer,then,whatever that means a
youthquake of study-at-stow's t-shirts in Peoria from now onwards even
giving rise to several volumes written by brainy sociologists analysing
the case.

I guess fountainhead must be someone in The Chemistry Experiment, say
hello to Steve then! I will try to go and see the gig, but it is not sure

My ardient defense of Mr Malkmus as the most charming male act on a stage
is going to crash with those , as Marcus , I believe,and the one and only
Mr Teapot Stout who think nobody can snatch such a title from Stu
Murdoch's boxer hands.Mr Stout reckons he has found the closest to Stu on
earth in one of our neighbours at the Physics department.If someone is
interested, I think he is currently single and very keen on photography,
and yes, he really holds a resemblance,it is not Robin being too

Stop talking rubbish,Arantxa...

your favourite sad witch

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