Sinister: heeeeathcleeeef, its meeee, your catheeee, i've come ho-o-o-me,

Paula Cullen p.cullen at
Wed Jul 14 16:18:42 BST 1999

hello peeps,

i have come to the conclusion that you london types are trying to keep me 
away from yr picnics ;)
(marcus, what *have* you been telling them?)
i missed the last one by two days,  i arrive in london one day *after* the 
swedish (!) picnic and leave again just in time to miss the next one.
grrrrrrrrrrrrrreatttt :( (as tony the tiger would say)

therefore, i propose that somebody throws a picnic, in my honour, while i 
am in london.
nothing fancy mind, i am a girl of simple tastes.  you could maybe get some 
smoked salmon in though, i like that. :)
you will of course, have to bring me boozegifts a plenty (anything but 
actually, fuck it, go on,  i'll drink anything.
thanking you for your kindness in advance ;)

on a different subject altogether,  i watched an entire episode of "ally 
mcbeal" last night for the first time....EVER.
christ on a yamaha scooter!  its REALLY bad, isn't it? that is one WHOLE 
HOUR of my life that i can NEVER get back.
not that i'd want it *now*..........

on another tangent, i nearly killed a woman in the local swimming pool last 
night. (im on a bit of a health kick at the moment.  by the time you see me 
at atp's, i will be a ringer for kate moss. with a slightly less attractive 
head, however)
anyway, i digress.  i wouldn't be exactly what you'd call a brilliant 
swimmer,   i have been described as swimming "like a washing machine" ie a 
*LOT* of thrashing about whilst not covering very much distance. :)
so there i was, beating the hell out of the water when this old woman kinda 
got entangled in my flailing limbs.  because my ears were all watery and i 
couldn't hear her bloodcurdling screams (*and* i was all determined to 
reach the other side without stopping) i, um, sort of just kept bashing 
away until she..........................................died.
no not really, i just made that bit up for effect.
but she did have to "rest" in the shallow end for a while. :)

later, babes,

paula cullen booze explosion
booooze!!!! yeeeaaahh!!!
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