Sinister: My throat hurts too
Ailsa Ross
ar981611 at
Tue Jul 20 18:27:30 BST 1999
It's not fair is it? You finally get someone in your life that you are
quite reasonably happy to be with and then he goes and gets glandular
fever on you. So I'm a bit ill. And I missed Mogwai and GYBE (and made
Grandpa Cook's Mogwai-loving grandson miss Mogwai as he hung
pathetically about the pub for an hour and a half wondering why I hadn't
showed up). And I get to feel very silly for deciding to end the
platonicness (platonicity? platonisation?) of our friendship for a
whole two days before he becomes medically advised not to kiss anyone
for six weeks, so we are just pretty much as we were before really and
the point of him being a boyfriend as opposed to a bestest friend who
happens to be a bloke is kind of lost a bit. Hmmm.
Anyway that'll be why I haven't been around these parts much recently.
(the sore throat I contracted, presumably from the two days of being
un-platonic). And why I have been a bit slack on the tape delivery
front. They are nearly all out now so sorry to you all, and I will buy
a pint for each and every one of the 27 of you who have had to wait so
patiently if you are ever in Glasgow. Unless you all arrive at the same
I'm getting to go to my first London picnic. On July 31st. I get to go
on a plane and everything. I'm not going to Heathrow, in case someone
chops me up and puts me in a suitcase in a car park (apologies to all
non-Brits who probably haven't a clue about what I'm on about). I'm a
bit scared my doctor may put me on anti-biotics so I don't get glandular
fever (I just have a sore throat at the moment), as I intend to drink
loads and loads and loads whilst in London and I could get a bit tipsy
. Well. more tipsy than usual. Shit. I shouldn't threaten
drunken-ness, as I have still to sort my accommodation.
Ooh, accommodation. Chalets. All TimHopkin's Panties. We've got nearly
all of our original chalet re-united now. Is anyone still looking for a
chalet to share with (or people to share a chalet with, if you are going
to be as pedantic as I am being whilst reading over this)? I might know
someone who can help you. (Privately, PLEASE!!!)
I have no interest in seeing Star Wars whatsoever. I could have gone on
Sunday, but I stayed in to watch Paul Lawrie being great at golf and
American commentators being huffy about it. I bet the golf was more
exciting too. I hate golf and I was dead excited about it.
But talking of films, as you all were, can I just say that whoever
mentioned "tit flicks", that sounds painful.
Does anyone want to give me a Tigermilk carrier bag? Paisley doesn't
have a local indie shop. Though there is a dodgy=looking old-man's
drinking establishment displaying posters for Tigermilk AND Starfighter
Pilot just along the road from me. And did anyone win one of those nice
Mary Jo T-shirts at a Tigermilk launch night? The bloke next to me won
one, well he would have done if he had realised and gone up to get it
before they gave it away to the next ticket holder. I got some
Tigermilk posters. They are very good for having lightsaber fights with
on dance floors. Calumn Shearer has a Tigermilk poster autographed by
Chris Geddes and some Art School bouncers and some random people from
the bar (including me, but I was unsurprisingly drunk so it's probably
illegible). He's supposed to be doing a competition for it but that'd
involve de-lurking. Go on, Cal, you know you want to :)
Chris G dances like a big girl to his own records you know. Much better
than that scaredy cat Struan who was seen legging it from Maryhill at a
great speed at the sound of one of his records.
Anyone coming to see Camera Obscura on Saturday, 13th Note? They're
ace, and feature that nice Mr Colburn on drumming duties. I'll be
there, and I promise not to give anyone glandular fever. Alasdair will
be there too to regale all and sundry with tales of his famous grandpa.
Do we want to go to the pub before the gig? I think so. Anyone?
Oh, that's more than enough for me. Go and do something else. Oh, you
probably already have. Oh well.
Ailsa xx
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