Sinister: looper last night

Jygsaw18 at Jygsaw18 at
Fri Jul 23 18:24:39 BST 1999

		Well. first off, the show was amazing. For openers, there was 
the Sigfried and Roy of the techno community. One of them, i think it was DJ 
Sigfried, hauled some poor girl on stage and made her dance. He was a scary 
man; in fact he stripped down to his nasty pants and danced around. 
thankfully he felt the need to put trousers back on. Then Looper played, 
which made up for the oddities of the opening act. The show was soooooo good, 
with the videos.  Like steve c, i noticed the ink polaroid movie. Chris 
appeared to be wearing a stocking cap, right? and the tree branch hung close 
to the ground...

		was anyone else blown away by how good not-so-wee karn's 
statues were? She allegedly made all the little figures seen in the films..
	i will never forget, as long as i live, the image of stuart wearing 
those light-goggles to read his lyrics! ahhh, if only i had taken pictures

i have only two complaints, one minor and one that vexed me deeply. First, I 
didn't see any merchandise for sale. That was no good... i wanted to get a 
tshirt.  but that's not a big deal.

	Secondly, NOT ONE sinister person came up and talked to me. It 
wouldn't have been hard, I was wearing a sign on my back that said "Sinister" 
and i was standing right up front, near the second TV from the left, about 3 
people back. I was the tall fellow in the black Michael Bolton shirt with the 
beard looking pissed
	There was one other person dancing, and she kindly told me i knew 
what was up, since i was dancing. I saw a girl with short reddish hair in a 
blue shirt, who i think may have had an inverted badge, but I couldn't tell 
in the dark. I think she thought i was staring at her chest. So if you're on 
this list, sorry. I was just trying to figure out if you were sinister or 
not.  I know i should have gone to the Fox and hounds first, but we got so 
lost on the way there we barely found the Black Cat. 
	I had to pay a bum 30 cents for advice on whether or not i could park 
up the street. That was nice...

so a big pah! to the listees who felt the need to shun me. although one of 
you was nice enough to post directions to the sinisterdc list on how to get 
there. sadly i had already left by that point.

my faith in humanity has been crushed	 

dave jygsaw
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