Sinister: I'll take a nonfat double decaf belle and sebastian. Easy on the foam.

Taranicole at Taranicole at
Sun Jul 25 02:47:59 BST 1999

Don't bore us, get to the chorus, they say and so I shall.  

Issue: Blair Witch vs. Eyes Wide Shut.
Poor Jim Schmidt took a hiding for some of his criticisms for the a/m films, 
but c'mon cut the guy some slack, eh? We're all in this together,homeez. IMHO 
the movies were both swell yet flawed, but some of the reviews y'all posted 
(esp for the Witch one) .....pppsh!! Kinda like "Go to the cinema and your 
life will be changed!!!"  So what happens here, is everyone reading about how 
pants-wettingly brilliant the film is goes to the see it and inevitably says, 
"hmm, kind of a letdown, wasn't it?"  
Oh nevermind.. we shouldn't be talking about this anyway, it's truly "Summer 
of Sam" which is The Movie of Sinisterines, not because it covers standard 
list-related topics as drug orgies and serial killers, but because a main 
character in the film is a nouveau-punk W!H!O! - obsessee.  He practices his 
windmills in sync to "won't get fooled again" in his Townsend-shrine of a 
bedroom, and in the somber and spooky tone common amongst cult members he 
breathily enthuses, "Baba O'Riley is my favorite song."  And the most 
climactic scene is played out against a soundtrack of the W!H!O! You know 
what this means, don't you.  Obviously, the clandestine media have once again 
infiltrated our ranks, coopting thread topics to recycle for use in their own 
little creative outlets... Spike, my brutha, shame on you!

Issue: Rude pictures
Someone was trying to figure out where to get some piccies of their naughty 
bits developed. This problem was recently posed to the incomparable Dan 
Savage in his weekly syndicated column, and the info his research yielded 
went a little somethin like this...
If you take them to a large chain-operation, like Walgreen's or Safeway, they 
are usually sent to an off-site facility and processed by a machine.  Another 
human will probably never even see the pictures. The person who said this 
*did* mention that random security checks were done, but in general you're 
not likely to run into problems.  On the other hand....
If you take your pics to a place specializing in developing, like a one-hour 
Photomat place, they are indeed inevitably seen by a person, so you're more 
likely to get caught.  So while I cannot attest to the veracity of either of 
these tidbits of info, I'm passing it along for you to exercise your personal 

Did i tell you that I heard "Sleep the Clock Around" playing in Starbucks a 
few weeks ago?? I challenge you to describe a more serene lunch hour, than 
sat in the comfy environs of a sunny (albeit monopolizing, overpriced, 
corporate scum yeah yeah yeah i know) cafe, sipping a venti nonfat chai tea 
latte surrounded by the lulling sounds of your favorite band.   *siiiiiiiigh* 
You couldn't do it, could you?

you are my fire, my heart's desire,
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