Sinister: Onion Love

Emily Wilska wilska at
Mon Jul 26 17:13:25 BST 1999

Ah yes.  The Onion.  One of the funniest things I have EVER read.  Ever.
Other classic headlines include  "Starbucks to Open in Restroom of Existing
Starbucks" and "RC Cola Celebrates 10th Sale".  

A good deal of the stories are Ameri-centric (is that a word?), but they're
damn hilarious nonetheless.  Check out the online version at  Also be sure to look at the USA Today-type polls.  Very,
very cheeky.

In fact, I think I'm gonna slog off on the work I have to do and go catch up
on some Onion reading instead.  

Ahhhh Monday.  (Thanks, Kimberly--now I have "Manic Monday" running through
my head as well.)

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