Sinister: Winter Wooskie lyrics
Nick.Dastoor at
Nick.Dastoor at
Thu Jun 3 13:45:18 BST 1999
Here is Stuart David's latest effort. For those who missed it at Camber Sands
or Dublin, like 'Paper Boat' it's got a bit of a sing-song, faux-naif quality
to it. This is my way of saying it's not that great. But it is nice. Like the
Beach Boy's album 'Friends' is nice but not great. Stuart inrtoduced it by
saying that it wasn't as good as the Flaming Lips.
Which reminds me - someone sent me a tape of last year's Brussels show and in it
Stevie introduces 'The Wrong Girl' by saying 'This song's not been released yet.
It probably never will be' in a kind of self-effacing way. That band really
need to improve their attitude. I think they should start boasting about how
they are the best band in the world ever and swear more. Shunning journalists
is good, but perhaps fighting them would be even better.
Jay promised to tell us about 'The weirdest party he had ever popped in...' But
I got to the end and there was no popping denoument at all. I was expecting a
bit of flatulence at the very least.
Did anyone else see that documentary about the University of Iowa's 'Greek
system' of sonority and fraternity houses. It was quite the weirdest thing I
have ever seen. Apparently a fifth of all new students arrive a week early to
go through a sick selection procedure ('Rush') for all these 'secret' single-sex
societies with names like 'Alpha Kai Kai' and 'Gamma Beta Sigma'. If they get
in the girls get to be all prissy and live without alcohol and the boys get to
boast about collecting more sonority girls' knickers than those pussies over at
Beta Pi Eater. And they have to pay up to $11000 over their time at university
for the privilege.
I never really understood what frat-boys were before. But yeah, if anything the
girls were sicker. They all sang songs like 'We are Alpha Kai Kai and we are
great / Always Alpha Kai Kai / I love Alpha Kai Kai' whilst touching each
others pointed fingers and banning fruit in drinks. But the REALLY scary part
was that 80% of all major CEOs and most of the military and all but two US
presidents have participated in this 'character-building' tomfoolery. It's
like SoS - but *WORSE*. Would any US listee like to admit to being part of it
and explain why this is complete mispresentation?
Nick xx
'Winter Wooskie'
Who's that girl?
She must be nearly freezing
Who's that girl? I'll bet
All that snow makes it hard so see her
Takes you away to me
And maybe I'm in love
Love love, love love
And maybe that's enough
That stuff, that stuff
Made a film
I made it through the winter
Who's that star I cast?
All wrapped up in her winter wardrobe
She hurries by so fast
And maybe I'm in love
Love love, love love
And maybe that's enough
That stuff, that stuff
On sunny days when the sun shines
I watch the tape
And through the snow, through the winter
I watch her wave to me
Who's that girl?
She must be nearly freezing
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