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Jordi Trenzano i Vilar
jordi-tv at
Wed Jun 16 08:08:18 BST 1999
Hi, little flies:
I guess that yesterday I found out why Sweden
won the last Eurovision song contest. A local
magazine organized a party with Club 8 and
Girlfrendo, and don´t be surprised if in a few
days they change their national anthem for an
Abba tune. There is some guy in this list who
thought about kidnapping Sarah Cracknell,and
maybe Club 8 were feeling the same danger,
because they played sooooooooo softly just in
order to domesticate more than one hundred
men who were thinking about kidnapping their l
ovely blonde singer. And Girlfrendo are the
dreamed band for any guy who wants to organ
ise a birthday party.
Blake wrote:
>>my question, does anyone out there like elvis costello? the more i hear of
>>him the more i like, it's a bit addicting, like those first listens to any
>>who album. so is there 'an' essential elvis album i should buy? somebody
>>tell me, now, yes, while i still don't have wrinkles everywhere.
The first gig that I attended after the Bowlie was
Mr. Declan Aloisius McManus playing in a
theatre in Barcelona. And It was one of the best
gigs I´ve ever seen. I only have two Costello al
bums, this last one with Burt Bacharach, which
is a master piece, and "Extreme honey", a great
compilation of his latest recordings. Both are
Some B&S content: according to what Nick
Dastoor or anybody else said, mr. Murdoch
doesn´t want the demo tapes to be released.
honestly, he´s smart, because neither of the
three songs ("London has....", "Pocketbook" and
"Hurley") are good enough. On the other hand, I
think that "Lord Anthony" is too much song just
to be wasted for a b-side.
Finally, in Spain are re-running "The Simpsons"
time & again. And they´re ace every time I
watch them. Some time ago I thought about
the possible plot of an episode with B&S in
them: Lisa convinces the mayor to put B&S as
main act of the local parties, avoiding a
performance of Homer, Barney, the local
sheriff, and Selma & Patty singing Steps songs.
And she plays the saxophone with them. I´d l
ove to see what drawing Matt Groening makes
from Isobel.
Bye, little flies
Jordiet Sinistre
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