Sinister: the pony trees

MelissaThornton melissa.thornton at
Tue Jun 22 14:35:10 BST 1999

ISawUfall at wrote:

> had  a dream just last nite and this guy said "i see the fish, i see
> the
> living fish, i see the deceased fish, and then i call them 'pony
> trees'..."
> if anyone else dreams of pony trees and/or fish, please contact me.

well, i'm looking in my mummy's dream dictionary and this is what i've

fish...means the christ within.
    now was this an 'ugly fish', because that would mean "spiritual
    you could be "hooked" on something.
    or involved in a "fishy" (questionable) situation.

tree.. "one of the most frequent symbols indicating growth and
         "represents the spiritual centers of the body (the endocrine

pony...(horse)..."ancient germans and scandinavians believed that horses
were able to speak and pedict the future.
                         " 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't
make him drink'."
                         it may be telling you to 'hold your horses'.
                         "tempestuous emotions; sexual energy."

yours etc.

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