Sinister: there are people the laundromat to wash their sheets
Mike Jones
adrock at
Mon Jun 28 23:21:02 BST 1999
aloha everyone!
there's a video fr dirty dream #2?!?!? baaaah yes!!! im going to have to
watch m2 furiously now...ive only ever seen "is it wicked not to care" on
m2... a wonderfully splendid video. oh wow...i feel so happy i could slap
myself...has anyone seen this video? what the hell goes on in it? does
stuart have to wash his sheets at the end? (hee hee)
hee hee...i wonder what song is playing during "century of elvis"...stuart d
may be talking loudly, but not loud enough to conceal the fact that he's
speaking right overtop of stuart m's vocals for...that song that was ripped
off, hee hee.
oh, and blake, thank you fr the info on the stow i write this i
sit about to order my own stow shirt...may yrs RIP, and david...give the lad
a break. have him send his damaged one back and exchange it fr him. there's
nothing worse than having yr mum ruin yr favorite tshirt... its happened to
me before, so i know where he's at. i miss my "i'd rather be
breakdancing" tshirt...ok there was something else i wanted to say, or
perhaps ask, but im drawing a terrible blank right now. sorry. i'll post the
sequel later.
mike j
adrock at
**ape shall never kill ape**
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