Sinister: Shaved Heads, Smiths, and prom queens who don't shave

Jygsaw18 at Jygsaw18 at
Wed Jun 30 17:02:53 BST 1999

my computer told me natasha said:

In I Know Where The Summer Goes, I thought that "I know where the summer 
dwells/ When your underarm smells" was "I know where the summer dwells/ When 
you're under our spell".  The concept of context (try saying THAT 3 times 
quickly [*] ) is again blatantly disregarded and overruled by the conviction 
that the mishearing "sounds good".  Well it does.
And while we're on the subject, the first time I heard Music Sounds Better 
With You, I thought the "Love might bring us back together" line was "Last 
night we slept together".
      (end quote)
My theory was going to be that Natasha doesn't want to think about dirty 
things, so she didn't let herself hear the real meaning, and subsituted under 
our spell to replace it.

but then in the next paragraph she mentions a mishearing that, well, was 
rather rude, infact more so than underarm smells. so that shot my theory down 
nicely. I think Natasha is actually a closet sex maniac, and she didn't want 
us to figure this out, but she feels guilty and wants to tell people too. So 
she threw in a diversionary paragraph, hoping no-one would notice.
	Unfortunately sinister is composed of smut-fiends and other rude 
things. So there's no surprise for us, Natasha. We love you anyway,and your 
post made me laugh. 

lesley jo said:

   in the decade of coke-snorting
and fabulous excess, who was wondering about the private alienation of some
lonely disenfranchised sad teenager??    i'll bet the smiths music made an
impact in more people than we can imagine.
to which i say
			well, i think the coke snorting and fabulous excess 
of the eighties has been played up quite a bit.  and as far as who was 
worrying about the alienation of a teen? All of Morrissey's fans (there seem 
to be lots) and, probably, a good many worried parents who wonder why their 
children mope and carry flowers in their pockets.
    i like the smiths. But a good many of the smiths fans I have met in 
person (not you people! please listen!)  are overly mopey and self-absorbed. 
I can't seem to figure it out. It's like they want to live up to some sort of 
stereotype. I have in mind one particular person here.. sometimes i get so 
frustrated with him. But that is not the fault of YOU people, and I won't go 
on about it.

    and I love what Lesley Jo had to say about feminist overload forcing her 
to go to the solace of pink fluffy things and sanrio.  Her letters are always 
so great...

I  am also incredibly impressed with the mature and calm way that Joseph and 
Chris resolved matters. Good show, gents. You didn't make Listmummy get up 
from her nap and scold you.

The Lovable Prom Grrl said:

 but my relatives throw those facts out at me 
and my friends all the time. "Don`t be a slave to someone else`s standards." 
"Hair naturally protects you from the elements." Alright.I like SMOOTHNESS 
though,but that`s just my own opinion.Maybe some girls enjoying braiding 
their leg hair,it`s all a matter of preference,baby! It`s all good. Like 
Stuart...he`s s-m-o-o-t-h with the chicks.
whats with those men shaving commericals anyways?>>

two comments:
       One: am I the only Belle and Sebastian fan with a shaved head? I just 
did this recently, and most people seem to think that I would like PUNK ROCK 
and kicking minorities in the teeth with steel capped boots. In fact all i 
want to do is kick Pete Waterman in the teeth with steel capped boots  (old 
grudges die hard)

	Two: If girls can grow out leg hair, can I shave mine off? I don't 
like being hairy; except for facial hair, and even that's too much sometimes. 
Or does that qualify me as a homosexual?  (to all list gays: I mean this as a 
joke, so no angry emails please, find one of the other offensive things in 
this letter to poke at) And I don't know what's up with men's shaving 
commercials. What's up with those Tampax ads? you know, the ones with hippies 
in the mud and jocks bellyflopping in the water at Cancun, then at the end of 
the commercial it says "tampax was there"

Colin spoke of peru and said:

I don't want to go on my own cos that would be too scary and bandits might
rob me, so if you do want to come i would prefer a big person who looks

see my previous comment about bald heads and boots
Buccaneer Blake "Iron Jim" Hamilton sneered:
Isobel equals pure cuteness and i'd flag down her departing caboose faster
than  you could say "neverland, ha!".>>

I suspect that "Iron Jim": is trying to say that he wants vicious up the bum 
sex with Isobel. Which i find rather terrifying, and I hope someone at 
Jeepster will alert Isobel to keep an eye out for a US listee with an 
eyepatch who dances to recorder solos. 

that's enough. thanks for reading this far, if in fact you have

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