Sinister: *mwah* dawhlings, it has been a while, non?
padraic doorey
padraic_fresheire at
Sat Mar 13 17:49:08 GMT 1999
hi everyone...
i have no idea what is going on on the list these days....i assume
there is quite a lot of bowlie weekender shenanigans and the
like....ooh 'twill be quite the snazz, non?
what is on in my cd player of late ranges form hefner to the new beth
orton album....lervely. also, try to get your hands on "try for
summer, plan for fall" an amazing compliation put out by short round
records in san francisco. i think it costs around ten dollars and can
be ordered online at delish! 25 tracks for the
price of a few pints...go on you know you want to.
anyhow, as we all know belle and sebastian are playing dublin shortly
after the bowlie in the most bootifool venue that could ever be. the
olympia is one of my fave venues in the world and will be so suited to
the lovely belle & sebastian. things about the olympia is that it is
right in the centre of dublin and therefore there are endless amounts
of possibilities for pre and post show gatherings....if anyone is up
for this, please let me know by emailing me (not the list) and i'll
try put something together. if anyone is coming from overseas or from
outside of dublin, kinlay house is a really cheap hostel with
excellent amenities and is also conveniently located about two blocks
from the venue...
as i said before i'm no longer on the list so if someone already had
this idea all i can say is "ooops, sorry dawhling, i'll make it up to
you with a glass of champers next time out paths cross" but if not,
please do get in touch.
also looper play whelans next saturday night! pints before?
philippe garnier are you still there?
dawhlings, until next time,
lady penelope, gateau du wizz.
"and now the session's over and it's time to go,
am i just another shot in your portfolio?"
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