Sinister: we can make the world a whole lot brighter

pamela berry pamelab at
Thu Mar 18 11:45:12 GMT 1999

hi everyone!

I come bearing news of the full-up nature of the bowlie double decker
bus. I can't believe there was ever a time right there at the beginning
when I thought to myself, self, it might be craziness to try to fill up
an entire bus. but there are scads and scads of pro-bus people flying in
from faraway lands and it didn't take long after all! I've got a waiting
list going in case anybody drops out, give me a shout if you want to be
on it. it's in the bus contract that we aren't supposed to hang banners
off the side of the bus, boo hiss. I have also noticed it's in the
contract that anyone who wants to sing robbie williams, billie, or
britney spears songs on the bus has to use their inside voices. hey, I
don't make the rules.

oooooon, you are very strong for such a slight gal, and I'm very sad you
won't be taking a break from swinging tigers by their tails to come to
camber sands. I'd steal the answers to the math part of the entrance
exam for you if I thought it would sway your decision. just because I
like to sit in the front of the bus doesn't mean I'm not a bad seed,
make no mistake. just yesterday I ate more than half of one of those
self-serve chocolate cookies in tesco *before* I got to the checkout.
call on me oon, I'm at your service. call on me oon, I need a
consultation. nobody one the big lottery jackpot this week. if our
numbers come up I'll be nick cage and you can be bridget fonda and we'll
split the take.

you all make me feel so spring has sprung. it's perfect weather to
listen to chris montez, and now I can listen to that sixties god of
alluring vocals and suave handclaps and watch tv at the same time,
because for some crazy reason they're playing chris montez on that green
giant broccoli commercial. I knew I could multitask by the end of this
decade if I put my head to it. I don't want to give anyone the
impression, however correct, that I watch too much television, but is
anyone else in the uk traumatised by that oxo advert, the one where the
couple are in the car having a flashback about some hot weekend they
spent in preston? it's the flashback, she hands him the plate of chicken
at the family dinner table and drools, "and michael...remember preston."
cut to the present, back in the car with hubby driving and her
lascivious query, "so what's on the menu tonight?" cue the big green
highway sign pointing the way to preston, fade out with some porn
trumpets. fluffy sarah, what the hell is going on in preston that you
haven't been telling us? 

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