Sinister: Skank Bloc Bolognese Sauce
Michael Jones
tourajsig2 at
Fri Mar 19 14:19:43 GMT 1999
Hello homies,
I've just had some cod. It was bloody awful.
Stuart Original-G had this to say:
>Other top moments from this week's NME include their description of
>And Sebastian's forthcoming nambling pambling rice pudding & crochet
>holiday camp gangwanking whimsy-thon". I kid you not...
Aww, don't it warm the cockles of your heart to see one of the more
withered tentacles of IPC's Empire of Tedium get all flustered over
something it has no part in ? That's all right boys, keep fondling
the egos of myopic careerist pedestrian-grey guitar dullards with your
tepid swill of arthritic prose - you never know, you might squeeze in
an expenses jolly to Tokyo before the lights go out in Kings Reach
Tower and you're left scrabbling around in the dirt for that last Mojo
staffer position.
Oh, that feels better. Though MS Word tells me it's too long a
sentence. Get stretched, Billy G.
Why does no-one talk about Belmondo on this list ? Are you all afraid
? There's a six-disc box-set coming out on Mille Plateaux early in
the summer - liner notes by Helene Cixous, natch. All yr favourites
and no filler. It's a perfect pop pal, pal.
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