Sinister: i will frame this moment in time
andrew at
Tue May 4 20:35:01 BST 1999
dear popkids,
thanks to the wonders of honey's humourless computer (though i found it to
be both informative and funny), i've been given the freedom of speech on
this here mailing list thing, so i thought i'd take a moment to introduce
myself and say hello.
i've been in love with belle & sebastian since i heard 'the stars of track
and field' on mark radcliffe's graveyard shift way back when the countryside
was green, britpop was dominating every students life, and steps were but a
twinkle in the eye of pete waterman. since then they've continued to amaze
me with their beautiful and always entertaining music; i can't wait to hear
'tigermilk' (i'm sorry, i've never heard it...please be gentle) when it
finally comes out at a price which even i can afford.
also, soon it is my birthday and i am feeling lonely because all my friends
have gone on a geography field trip to a dark and unexplored corner of
south-west wales leaving me behind with only people that i don't like much
to talk to. therefore, if anybody would like to -
(a) make me a birthday cake and send it to my house,
(b) buy me a dog (my parents won't let me have one, but i'm sure that if one
mysteriously turned up on my doorstep with a tear in it's eye they wouldn't
refuse to let me keep it), or
(c) suggest some records that i should buy with my yearly dose of HMV
vouchers from my relatives who don't know what else to get me,
i would be most appreciative and be sure to reward you with whatever you
choose as long as it's quite cheap and doesn't require much effort on my
finally, evil pop music magazine select has a nice but sadly only A4 size
poster of the cover of the 'dog on wheels' EP in this months issue. it is
now attached to my wall where it looks perfect next to beth orton and blur
standing in a forest.
that is all, please be friendly because i am new to mailing lists and i will
get better at posting, i promise.
love andrew.
( andrew at )
( )
( love's the only thing that makes me do this )
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