Sinister: If we took away the sky where would all the birds fit in to things on earth?
Ickle Al - Glitter Guy
alanrollo at
Sun May 16 00:10:59 BST 1999
Hi ya!
> Oh and welcome to everyone who's just joined this
> list "From Another
> Place" :) Take a seat, have a nice cup of tea, be
> happy here.
Thank you!
> Next week is "Everyone On Sinister Phone
> In Sick Week" so
> we'll stay in bed and eat jam sandwiches all day
> together ok?
Sounds like fun, I wonder if I can get my mummy to
phone up college for me and say I'm ill!
Don't think she'll do it somehow!
Is anyone else going to see Delirous? at Brixton
Academy or My Life Story at the LA2 ?
I doubt it.
I've now been renamed as Sebastian by the people in
Beano's record store, Croydon, 'cos when I got back
from Bowlie I went straight there, before I went home
even, to ask if they had any B&S albums for sale.
They didn't. I then spent the next hour and a half
telling the complete strangers behind the till all
about what great fun Bowlie was......
ever since they've called me Sebastian....
ho humm......
just wondering, is there a name for B&S fans in the
way that My Life Story fans are known as Sparklers?
Sorry for the non-B&S content....
Hope I haven't bored you too much......
hugs and snogs for those that want them,
"I think therefore I am confused"
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