Sinister: size isn't important...

ian ian at
Tue May 18 22:47:09 BST 1999

scott said

>i'm an incorrigilble lowercaser and damn proud of it!
>Actually, i switch up depending on how lazy my pinkies are feeling. its
>a pain in the ass to hit that blasted shift key all time. Well as long
>as we now have a typing instructor on the list maybe they can help me
>with my right hand cross over on the "y" key and help me out with
>proper fingerage for the dreaded number keys. What'd ya say? maybe fix
>my typing posture too!! fey-tweeness is ruining my back.

i'm a lower caser too.. and i know it annoys the fuck out of some people but
i see that as their problem.  why do you need big letters stuck in the
middle of something to make it acceptable?  everY so ofTen i can see that it
migHT be fun to put a capItal in where its not needed, but why just put them
in for the sake of it?  and at the start of every sentence?  well,  how
silly.  where's the creativity in that?  no...'smuch better to just let the
cosmos flow from your fingertips and not stem the tide with a shift button.
its not just a matter of laziness, typing lower case is your cosmic
responsibility.  the universe demands it.  spread the word.  in a low key
sort of way, of course.


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