Sinister: jesus is accepting monetary contributions (help rebuild heaven)
Beau Gestalt
biblesmut at
Tue May 25 10:39:52 BST 1999
squeeze the pulse from your sweetdarling's fingers jiveturkies, all hell in
a well-satiated diper just broke loose from the sinister-fied nursery!
*whiping tears & tomatoes from his cheeks* sorry, no more rapping, promise.
well alright then, surpose we commence with a great big introduction to the
freeze-dried entity you should all come to know as Tobie. shall we get
started? *ignores 1100 sighs* good . ..
i come from Los Angeles California, which, i regret to inform you all, is
NOT underwater as of yet, but rest assured, were working on it. ive been on
earth planet for 21 years [too long] now. i heard my first Belle And
Sebastian song, Get Me Away From Here Im Dying, about 2 months ago and up
until that magical day i wouldnt say i didnt "believe" in
love-at-first-sight, but i never had a reason to concider it, you dig what
im saying, mama? B&S is so me, i can honestly bring myself to the verge of
tears just from the melodies of their tunes. i already possess Arab Strap,
Sinister, Lazy Line Painter Jane, & Dog On Wheels. my other two favorite
bands of all time are Pavement & Mansun. and i wanna be british really
really bad and stuff, yes.
well look here, im not certain just how long that nursery soiree lasted, but
it seemed an eternity and i only had to stand by and watch about a hundred
threads pass me up and all i could do was squirm and bite my nails to the
cuticles with anticipation. so im going to let fly a few responces to things
that might be a bit dead by now, but ill keep 'em brief, scouts honor . . ..
((One)) DR PEPPER, FULL STOP !! ! ! all you pro-Pepperers out there, you
made my day, way to go. im headed for Texas in July and greatly anticipating
my trip to the Dr Pepper factory. anybody that will be in Texas during that
time should surely get at me. indeed, starting now im organizing a B&S
picnic/Dr Pepper plant tour, so ALL ABOARD! were also concidering hosting a
Lou Barlow birthday party on the 17th of July, which, if happens at all,
will be in Texas as well.
((Oneandahalf)) umm, knowhat i began writing my thoughts on those
FunkySeb[aceous] half-steppin' shenanigans, but it wasnt pretty and i
started getting a terrible pain directly behind my purpley mascara from
rolling my eyes, so lets just move on then shall we .. ..
((Two)) i feel, dispite the 1100 brothers and sisters, primates and
space-aliens out there, nobody here should feel it unfitting to post all
those puny details of their daily journies. thats the real swig of the stew
for me, and i cant imagine there arent tons of you that would love hearing
the wack-o shit that happens to your fellow Sebanites [pronounced
"seb-ba-nites" -- dont it sound futuristic?!!]. well thats my stupid
oppinion anyway.
some B&S stuff, just for the heck of it:
has anyone heard Velvet Underground's 'I Cant Stand It' ? holy
halfnakedcatholicschoolgirls, the intro for that tune is identical to that
of 'Lazy Line Painter Jane' . and am i the only one that heard the first bit
from 'A Space Boy Dream' as "i dreamt i had to go up me arse"? and ummm,
okay i give up, just what in god's awful name is an arab strap?
no really, i mean it, im never this loquacious. this is just the first place
im actually convinced that i not only 'fit-in' but could quite possably
stand a chance at being accepted. just finding out that im not the only poor
sod who's lips freeze shut when it comes down to any sort of public
engagment has given me confidence to tackle [er maybe throw pebbles at from
a safe distance] the world. oh pants, ill shut it now. have a pleasant day,
my loving sweathearts!
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