Sinister: and now the end is near/and so I face the final curtain
The Narrow Wizard
ol01 at
Thu May 27 12:11:02 BST 1999
OK I've got some good news for you people....this is gonna be my last post
for a while so you don't have to put up with my rubbish for much longer.
my last exam of the year is tomorrow and then I'm leaving uni (and all of
the uni pooters) for the summer so I'm gonna unsubscribe in a few days so
that I dont have a few thousand messages waiting for me when I get back.
I think Dr Claws cat was refered to as madcat (MADcat?) but this question
has put me in mind of another question which has been puzzling me and my
friends for a couple of years now. There used to be a cartoon version of
Happy Days in which the fonz had a dog. Nobody I know can remember the
dogs name....can you?
good luck to all of the other students who have exams right now. Try not
to do what I did in my last exam, I scared the hell out of myself by
remembering a fitting latin quote (post hoc ergo propter hoc) and was so
shocked by this that I couldnt write anything for quite a while.
Well I was dissapointed to see that my wonderful personality (thats a joke
by the way) hasn't got me any list crush votes in my stay here..guess I'll
have to wait until september when I get back to start a campaign for the
veneration of ugly and annoying people.
Anyway thats all from me....have a great summer everyone and try to answer
that question before I unsubscribe on sunday
have a good one
and have one for me
With that the narrow wizard waggled his bushy eyebrows and disappeared in
a flash of blue flame leaving behind only a faint smell of cinnamon
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